Skeleton Shrimp
I have a new favorite tidepool creature: skeleton shrimp. I know, I know. You're thinking, "Wait, Steve, your favorite new tidepool...
Curious Creatures in a Hidden World
Amy and I headed out at dawn to Ecola Point with the goal of probing the low intertidal zone. We wanted to see some bizarre creatures....
Gumboot Chiton
Today I found my first gumboot chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri (aka the great Pacific chiton, the giant Pacific chiton, or the giant...
Nudibranch Central
Some of the most colorful creatures in the world's oceans are sea slugs. Slugs? "Slug" doesn't do justice to nudibranchs. "Nudibranch"...
Lone Survivor
In many hours of searching the tidepools around Haystack Rock I've spotted a single leather star, Dermasterias imbricata, a lone survivor...
While explaining mole crabs to a man who worried he might be "stepping on baby sea turtles in the sand," I saw small shorebirds...